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The Dahlia Project

Supporting South Asian Victims

Emotional support:

  • About past or current abuse and any fears you may have about future abuse
  • If you have separated from your abusive partner but feel confused, alone, lacking in confidence or scared
  • We can help you with safety planning if you are thinking of leaving your relationship or if you are worried for your safety due to the relationship & your community
  • We can support you & be your advocate when speaking to other professionals such as social services, the job centre, GP’s and any other agencies that might be involved
  • We can offer you free counselling sessions for up to 12 weeks

Court support:

  • We can attend court relating to Domestic abuse with you, we would be there as an advocate and to offer you extra emotional support.
  • We can support you with reading through documents relating to your situation due to domestic abuse.


  • Our workers are able to speak multiple languages such as Urdu, Punjabi, Mirpuri, Pahari and Pothwari.

We can assure you that you will receive specialist advice and support which has your safety in mind.

Our services